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Safe Internet
Safe Internet is a Saudi campaign that raises awareness of children's learning experiences on the Internet.
Inside, every child is a superhero to be. And that hero only grows in the right environment that helps foster and nurture them. In our era of technology, the Internet has taken up considerable space in that environment. So rather than shutting it completely, we need to learn from a young age how to navigate through it and take advantage of its limitless sea of discoveries and information. Safe Internet is a Saudi campaign that raises awareness of children's learning experiences on the Internet. The video starts with a live-action scene of a son viewing his phone and riding along with his father. In a magical moment inspired by children's colorful imagination, that child's world transforms into a cartoonish reality where he dives into the world of the Internet. However, in a second, the child finds himself in the ugly part of the web, where he forces himself back to reality. This second symbolizes the wrong click on inappropriate pages and links on the Internet that can harm children or influence them in the wrong way. The video aimed to have a hybrid style with live-action and animation to reflect the parallel world created by the Internet. The animation art is colorful, flowy, and imaginative to appeal to younger audiences. The video ended with a short yet impactful message to summarize the aim of the campaign.