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Story of a Refugee
What is it like to be a refugee? To be just a number in a sad statistical fact?
Sometimes when we speak about a crisis, we tend to group people together, erasing their individuality, their dreams, hopes, and existence. One by one, they add to the number and end up being a chart or a graph in some socio-economic lesson. With over 65.3 million refugees around the world, each has a story to tell. In this short video, you can hear the voice of a man speaking about the loss of his land and people. He narrates his journey of hard work and determination to be someone, not just a number, in another country. The face of the man is blurred, and it’s not specified where he was and where he came to be. In a way, the story represents every refugee and the feelings that followed and the sacrifices that had to be made from the moment they left their home till the moment they are now. The video also aims to encourage people not to think of refugees as a burden but as an opportunity to lift society. That many come with great potential, ideas, and talents that deserve to be nurtured and appreciated. The visuals are simple pencil sketch graphics with no specific details or familiarity so that they can speak about everyone to everyone. The video ends with a lingering phrase that sums up the idea behind the video to leave the viewers with something to think about and believe in.